Thomas M. Houtz - Chairman
149 Oaken Way
Myerstown, PA 17067
Home: 717.866.9584

Michael Dunkle - Vice Chair
43 Wheatland Dr.
Myerstown, PA 17067
Home: 717-926-0375

Thomas B. Morrissey, Jr. - Secretary
199 Millardsville Rd.
Richland, PA 17087
Home: 717.628.1731
Dean R. Wagner - Chairman
604 East Lincoln Avenue
Myerstown, PA 17067
Home: 717.866.7497
Pager: 717.270.3539

Donald Gettle
10 E Strack Dr.
Myerstown, PA 17067
Home: 717.327.1106

Eric Readinger - Treasurer
124 Oaken Way
Myerstown, PA 17067

Glenn T. Wenger - Vice Chairman
320 W. Park Avenue
Myerstown, PA 17067
Home: 717.866.7646

Daniel J Becker, P.E.*
Becker Engineering
115 Millersville Road
Lancaster, PA 17603
Phone: 717-295-4975
Fax: 717-295-4972

Bryan Weaver - Secretary
95 Deep Run Rd
Myerstown, PA 17067
Home: 717-866-4771
Donald Gettle - Zoning Officer
60 North Ramona Road
Myerstown, PA 17067
Phone: 717.866.4771
Office Hours: Tues & Thur, 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM

Roberta J. Santiago, Esq. - Zoning Hearing Board Solicitor
Henry & Beaver Attorneys at Law
937 Willow St.
Lebanon, PA 17046
Work: 717.274.3644

Scott Yeagley
145 Millardsville Rd.
Richland, PA 17087
Home: 717.507.1573

Michael Burkhart
245 Golf Road
Myerstown, PA 17067
Home: 717.866.4713

Kirk Pearson
4 Honeybee Court
Myerstown, PA 17067

John Layser
433 S. Race St.
Myerstown, PA 17067

Nicole Readinger - Alternate
124 Oaken Way
Myerstown, PA 17067

Larry Wenger - Alternate
274 Ken-Lin Drive
Myerstown, PA 17067
Work: 717.866.2135
Home: 717.933.9404
Tim Hibshman - Foreman
60 North Ramona Road
Myerstown, PA 17067
Phone: 717.866.4771

Bryan Weaver
Jay Martin
Steven Boyer
David Boltz
Bills must be paid to Jackson Township
In person, by mail or dropbox at:
Jackson Township
60 N. Ramona Rd.
Myerstown, PA 17067
Please refer any questions to:
(717) 866-4771
Township of Jackson
Monday - Friday, 7 AM - 3:30 PM

Sewer Billing Cycles
QuarterPeriod Billed ForBilling Date

* It is the customer's responsibility to insure receipt of your sewer bill.

Final Notice - If you fail to timely pay this bill, the Township may pursue further collection of the bill including the shut-off of water to the premises and/or the filing of a municipal lien against the premises.

EDU - Equivalent Domestic Unit - Each single family dwelling is equal to 1 EDU. Commercial and industrial establishments are based on chart in ordinance no. 1-1988 B.

Penalty - 10% Penalty is added if amount due is not paid within 30 days of the date of statement. If statement is not paid within 60 days of the due date, 1% interest will be charged per month on the sum of the amount due plus the penalty which amounts to 12 percent per annum.

Mandy Fidler
60 North Ramona Road
Myerstown, PA 17067
Phone: 717.866.4771
Fax: 717.866.2159
Mandy Fidler
60 North Ramona Road
Myerstown, PA 17067
Phone: 717.866.4771
Fax: 717.866.2159

Debbie Shewmaker - Alternate
60 North Ramona Road
Myerstown, PA 17067
Right to Know Forms:

Request Form
Fee Structure
Appeals Form
Lebanon County Treasurer
Room 103, Municipal Building
400 South 8th St
Lebanon, PA 17042-6794
Phone: 717-228-4420
Fax: 717-228-4462
Department Head: Sallie A. Neuin, County Treasurer
Direct Email:
General Email:

Per Capita Taxes
Keystone Collections
Phone: 724-978-0300
Kevin Williams

Joann Steinmetz

Richard Stoner
Steve Sherk, P.E.
Steckbeck Engineering & Surveying, Inc.
279 North Zinns Mill Road, Suite A
Lebanon, PA 17042
Work: 717.272.7110
Paul Bametzreider, Esq.
Barley Snyder
1601 Cornwall Rd
Lebanon, PA 17042
Work: 717.273.3733
Richard L. Miller, Jr. - Chairman

Thomas Houtz - Vice Chairman

Dean O. Moyer - Treasurer

Donna J. Lutz - Secretary

Warren Weaver

Paul Bametzreider , Esq.
Barley Snyder
1601 Cornwall Rd
Lebanon, PA 17042
Work: 717.273.3733
Mark Payonk
Jeff Shewmaker
Daniel Gruber
Bryan Weaver - Chairman
Bill Rager
Keith Miller
Denise Lehman
Mike Dunkle